“This exercise begins
with the slow movement of the arms from the right to the left and then
back to the right. Then, while walking forwards, scooping motions are
made with the hands, followed by the arms pushing outwards as if supporting
2nd and 3rd measures: with
the feet still in place, the hands swing down and then raise to the right
to the starting position as one sings: Pravo misli (“Think rightly”).
Sequence II (moving forwards)
7th measure, 1st beat: step forwards with the right foot. In this measure, the arms bend at the elbow with the hands at the height of the solar plexus and trace a circle with the hands gliding out to the sides over a visualized sphere, starting from the top (palms down). After the hands meet at the bottom (palms up), they move up through the middle and then start again* (figures 14.4 and 14.5). On the 2nd (and 4th) beat: step forwards with the left foot while the hands again make circles as in the 1st beat of the same (7th measure). On the 3rd (and 7th) beat: the movements of the 1st beat are repeated. These movements are repeated to the end of the 10th measure, i.e. 13 steps, and then again on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th measures – altogether 26 steps forwards. During these movements one sings Sveshteni misli za zhivota ti krepi (“Hold fast to sacred thoughts about life”) four times in accordance with the music. Sequence III (moving forwards) 15th measure, 1st beat: step forwards with the right foot. At the same time the arms extend horizontally out to the side and wrists bent vertically upwards, palms facing outwards. With a light fl uid movement of the wrists and elbows, the arms move to the sides.
as if touching and supporting something.
One sings Krepi! (“Hold fast!”) (fi gure 14.6). On the 2nd (and 4th) beat:
step forwards with the left foot. As the hands repeat the movements of
the 1st beat, sing Krepi! The 3rd (and 7th) beat: repeat the movements
of the 1st |