“This exercise begins with swinging motions, fi rst while facing the center and then with the back turned to the center. This is the reward for all that we have attained. It is the making use of, and the processing of that which we have received, and the joy of its fruit. These movements are arc-like, magnetic. Throughout the entire exercise, both arms move together, parallel to one another. This represents the unity that should exist in our inner life.”.

Fig 21.1



 Music: Melody 21 (“Joy of the Earth”) – 80 measures.
 Starting position
 The participants are arranged in couples facing the center of the circle, one standing behind the other. The weight of the body rests onto the right
foot, the left foot is on its toes and to the left. The hands are to the right. The right arm is extended horizontally, the left arm is bent in front of the chest
(figure 21.1).
 Movement sequence
 1st measure, 1st beat: step with the left foot to the left, swinging the body weight onto the left foot.
 2nd and 3rd beats: the right foot moves slightly towards the left foot without touching it or the ground.





Fig 21.2
Fig 21.3


 At the 1st, 2nd and 3rd beats, simultaneously the hands swing in an arc-like natural movement downwards (fi gure 21.2), then up horizontally to the left, the left arm extended, and the right bent in front of the chest, palms down (fi gures 21.3 and 21.4).
 2nd measure, 1st beat: with a swinging motion step to the right with the right foot. On the 2nd and 3rd beats the left foot lifts and comes near the right foot without touching the ground. On the 1st, 2nd and 3rd beats, the hands come back to the starting position with an arc-like movement.
 3rd measure – as the 1st.
 4th measure – as the 2nd.
 5th measure: pivot 90° to the right on the right foot towards the primary direction, stepping forwards with the left foot while the right one remains in place on toes. At the same time the arms, kept parallel, move forwards and upwards (fi gure 21.5).


Fig 21.4
Fig 21.5


Fig 21.6
Fig 21.7


 6th measure: make another 90°-pivot to the right so that now your back is towards the center. The weight of the body is on the right foot. The left foot is lifted and moves slightly towards the right without touching it. At the same time the arms swing down in an arc-like movement and then rise up horizontally to the right (fi gure 21.6).
 7th measure – the same as the 1st but with your back towards the center (fi gure
 8th measure – the same as the 2nd but with the back towards the center.
 9th measure – the same as the 1st.
 10th measure – pivot 90° to the left towards the primary direction stepping forwards with the right foot while the left one remains in place with toes touching the ground. At the same time the arms, kept parallel, move forwards and upwards.
 11th measure: make another 90°-pivot to the left, now facing the center. The weight of the body is on the left foot. The right foot is lifted and moves slightly towards the left one without touching it. At the same time the arms swing down in an arc-like movement and then rise up horizontally to the left as in the 1st measure.
 12th measure – the same as the 2nd, and so on – the movements of the fi rst 10 measures alternate without interruption until the end of the music. The exercise fi nishes in the primary direction with the weight of the body on the right foot, the left one to the back on its toes, both arms up at an angle of 45°. After the last beat hands are brought down to the sides and feet come together..