“The fluid soft lines which
the hands make in front, to the sides and back again are magnetic. These
are lines of softness and reconciliation. They are helping us to resolve
all the contradictions of life through gentleness and reconciliation rather
than through
force. Performing the movements in this spirit will teach us these qualities.”
“The second exercise of Paneurhythmy signifi es peace and stillness.”
Music: Melody 2 (“First Day of Spring”) – 30 measures.
Starting position.
This exercise follows directly from the fi rst without interruption,
so the last position of the previous exercise is the starting position
for this one: arms bent at the elbow, hands together in front of the chest
with palms inclined downwards, fi ngers forwards and slightly upwards,
thumbs and index fi ngers touching* (fi gure 2.1).
Movement sequence:
1st measure, 1st beat: step forwards with the right foot. On the
1st, 2nd and 3rd beats, the hands open making two descending semi-circles
in downward arcs, and then rising out horizontally to the sides while
palms are always pointing downwards (fi gure 2.2).
2nd measure, 1st beat: step forwards with the left foot. On the
1st, 2nd, and 3rd beats, the hands retrace
the semi-circles in upward arcs and return to the starting position. These
movements repeat until the end of music #2.
In the last measure, 1st beat: step forwards with the left foot.
On the 1st, 2nd and 3rd beats, the hands come back but are placed on the
chest, palms towards the chest, fingers pointing up.