“Clapping expresses the triumph
of Freedom. These movements indicate that one has been set free from all
unnatural confi ning relationships. They show us the frontiers of Freedom
and where it originates from, stating that it has been achieved just as
the waves which splash upon the shore show that they have reached their
frontiers and are now free to disperse.
“This gesture is the joy of the
soul which has acquir?ed Freedom; the joy of the butterfl y which has
emerged from its cocoon; the joy of the grass which has shown its fi rst
tender shoots above the dark cold soil; the joy of the
Movement sequence
2nd measure,
1st beat: step forward with the left foot. On the 1st, 2nd and 3rd beats,
the hands open horizontally to the side in slightly downward arcs (fi
gures 8.4 and 8.5).
These movements are repeated to the end of the music. At the end of the last measure, after the fi nal clap, the hands come in front of the mouth.. |