This exercise teaches
us to have the right standard by which to measure everything on earth.
During it, the face turns successively to the four directions of the earth
East, West, North and South connecting with their energy. The East
represents Justice; the South Virtue; the North Truth, and the West
the earthly existence. The West demonstrates how Truth, Justice, and
Virtue benefi t man. When the sun sets, man then appreciates its blessing.
The exercise The Square has a very good effect upon man. [5, p.
And so, whoever wants to perfect himself best fi rst re-establish
in his mind the direction of the four right-angles. Only then can he move
rightly. The square has two diagonals, four sides and four right angles.
The fi rst angle represents the human mind; the second the human heart;
the third the direction of the spirit; and the fourth the direction
of the soul.
“Occupy yourselves with the right-angles, and you will see that
each force has its own place: the spirit, the soul, the mind and the heart
are put in their place. The number one is the place of the spirit; the
number two the place of the soul; three of the mind; four of the
heart. Therefore, apply the square as an emblem, and with it, solve your
problems. Apply the square as a measure within which the external and
the internal conditions are balanced. The circle is also an emblem. But
within it the internal conditions are better than the external; they are
not in balance.
The exercise is composed of two parts. The fi rst sequence is performed
in place, and the second while moving forward. These two sequences are
performed in the same manner in 4 different directions. The fi rst direction
facing the center, the 2nd direction right shoulder towards the center,
3rd direction back towards the center, and the 4th direction left
shoulder towards the center.Music: Melody 17 (The Square) 64 measures
repeated twice, total of 128 measures.
Starting position
The dancers still in couples, one partner behind the other, both
facing the center.
The feet are together, arms and elbows are bent and horizontal,
hands in front of the chest, palms down, middle fi ngers touching (fi
gure 17.1).
Movement sequence
Sequence I in place:
1st measure: the right foot is extended sideways to the right, toes
lightly touching the ground. At the same time the arms extend out horizontally
to the sides at shoulder height, palms down (fi gures 17.2 and 17.3)
2nd measure: the right foot and the hands return to the starting
position (figure 17.1)..
3rd measure: the left foot
is extended to the side, toes lightly touching the ground. At the same
time arms extend out horizontally to the sides at shoulder height, palms
4th measure: the left foot and hands return to the starting position.
On the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th measures, the movements of the fi rst
4 measures repeat.
Sequence II in motion:
9th measure: step with the right foot towards the center. Simultaneously,
with palms facing forwards, the hands sweep up vertically in an arc past
the front of the face and above the head continuing the arc outwardly
and opening until fully extended at shoulder height on both sides, palms
still facing forwards (fi gure 17.4)..
10th measure: step forwards with the left
foot towards the center. At the same time the hands retrace their path
back and are placed in front of the chin, middle fi ngers touching,
palms still outwards (fi gure 17.5).
The movements of the 9th and 10th measures repeat on 11th, 12th,
13th and 14th measures. In all there are six steps towards the center,
with one partner moving behind the other.
On the 15th measure, step forwards with the right foot, making
a quarter turn to the left, hands move as in the 9th measure. In this
movement the partners are side by side, right shoulders towards the
center at a distance of two extended arms..
On the 16th measure the left
foot is brought back to the right foot, hands return to their starting
position in front of the chest.
Sequence III in place as in Sequence I
On 17th to 24th measures: repeat movements of 1st 8th measures.
Sequence IV in motion as in Sequence II
The 25th 31st measures: repeat movements of the 9th 15th measures.
On the 31st measure one makes a quarter turn to the left. 32nd measure
is like 16th measure.
The partners are again one
behind the other with their backs towards the center (figure 17.6).
Sequence V in place as in Sequence I
Measures 33rd 40th: the same as 1st 8th measures (fi gure 17.7).
Sequence VI in motion as in Sequence II
Measures 41st to 48th: the same as 9th 16th measures (fi gure
47th measure: make a quarter turn to the left. The partners are
again side by side, left shoulders towards the center.
Sequence VII in place as in Sequence I.
Measures 49th 56th: the same as
1st 8th measures.
Sequence VIII in motion as in Sequence II
Measures 57th 64th: the same as 9th 16th measures.
On the 63rd measure: make a quarter turn to the left. Partners are again
one behind the other, facing the center.
In doing this exercise, each performer moves around the sides of
a square, turning to the left at each corner (fi gure 17.9).
The whole sequence is repeated again.